Cosmos Network - The internet of blockchains
According to their own front page, Cosmos is an ever-expanding ecosystem of interconnected apps and services, built for a decentralized future. This is in part supported by the Cosmos SDK (Software Development Kit) which help projects launch their own Blockchains.
Keplr - The Cosmos Wallet
The recommended wallet for staking on the cosmos network is the Keplr Wallet. It’s available as a Chrome/Brave browser extension or on IOS and ANDROID - We recommend using the browser plugin combined with a Ledger Hardware wallet for the most secure and best user experience. Staking through the keplr wallet is easy and can be managed at
Projects (Tokens) on the Cosmos Network
Osmosis - Regen Network - Akash Network - Celestia - Bitsong - - Secret Network - Stargaze - - Sentinal - Juno - IXO - Bostrom - Terra - Neutron - Kava. And more coming …