Get started with Brave Browser

What is Brave Browser?

“Much more than a browser, Brave is a new way of thinking about how the web works. Brave is on a mission to fix the web by giving users a safer, faster and better browsing experience while growing support for content creators through a new attention-based ecosystem of rewards.” -

Brave is a browser that blocks data-grabbing bots and scripts. The vast bulk of websites and ads include software that tries to identify you. They want to track your every move across the web. Brave blocks all this, allowing you to browse freely. Try it

Brave is more than a browser.

Brave is a Crypto-enabled browser and wallet, with an advertiser eco-system that allows you, the user, to receive 70% of advertiser revenue. It’s a content tipping system that helps you make money off your content. It’s token BAT is an ERC20 Ethereum Token with possibilities to appreciate in value, trade for profit, lend for interest, or pay your friend. Get some at Binance or Coinbase.

Brave Rewards

Your attention is worth money. Earn by viewing privacy-respecting ads and if you like, pay it forward to support content creators you love.

With your old browser, you paid to browse the web by viewing ads with your attention. You spent your browsing time unknowingly downloading invasive ad technology that transmitted your private data to advertisers — without your consent.

Today, Brave welcomes you to the new Internet. One where your time is valued, your personal data is kept private, and you actually get rewarded for your attention. Try it

BAT Token

Brave Rewards is built on the Basic Attention Token (BAT), a new way to value attention, connecting users, content creators, and advertisers.

When you join Brave Rewards, your browser will automatically start tallying (only on your device’s local storage) the attention you spend on sites you visit. Once a month, Brave Rewards will send the corresponding amount of BAT, divided up based on your attention, from your local browser-based wallet to the sites you’ve visited. You can remove sites you don’t want to support, and tip creators directly too.

All of this is anonymous: nobody (not even us here at Brave) can see who supported which sites. We can only count up the total support for each site and send the BAT their way. Content creators can use our partner Uphold to convert the BAT they earn into a currency of their choosing.

Where to get BAT?

BAT is traded at many exchanges world wide. Please support this site, but choosing one of our partner exchanges. Easy access to BAT at: